Blurred vision in one eye
Blurred vision in one
eye, particularly if it is sudden and dramatic, can be alarming and
cause high levels of anxiety. But it’s important to remember that there
are many possible reasons why you may have blurry vision in one eye,
many of which are relatively harmless.
The website
lists 84 possible explanations for blurry vision—including the
after-effects of crying, to common eye conditions, to more series
issues—so, clearly, the cause of blurred vision in one eye cannot be
easily explained without further investigation.
Some causes of blurry vision in one eye include:

- the visual aura that signals the onset of a migraine
- refractive errors (which require contact lenses or glasses)
- a stroke or other neurological issue.
you have other symptoms accompanying your blurred vision, like a
sudden, sharp headache, or numbness down one side of your body,
seek medical attention immediately, as this may be signs of a stroke or other series condition.
Migraine with aura
migraines often start in one side of the brain, it is very common for
the onset of a migraine to include visual disturbances in one eye only.
This ‘aura’ can cause blurred vision that makes it difficult to focus on
text on a computer screen or mobile phone—as if you have a ‘blind
spot’. An aura can also include zigzag patterns and ‘static’ as if
you’re watching an old analogue TV with bad reception.
difficulty in knowing if your blurred vision in one eye is caused by a
migraine (or something more sinister) is that the aura usually occurs
before you feel any pain from a headache. The migraine then starts in
earnest as your vision returns to normal.
Migraines can occur at
any time and at any age—so even if you’ve never experienced a migraine
before, it’s possible that your blurry vision is caused by a migraine.
Refractive errors and blurred vision in one eye
very common cause of blurred vision in one eye is a refractive error.
This means that your eye is no longer able to focus clearly without
visual correction.
Rather than being sudden and dramatic, a
refractive error will usually cause a gradual decline in clarity of
vision in one or both eyes, and make it more difficult for you to see
objects close up or far away (or both).
Most refractive errors can be easily treated with glasses or contact lenses prescribed by an optometrist.
Refractive errors that can cause blurred vision in one eye include:
Vision correction: EYESONLINE contact lenses
a doctor or optometrist confirms that the blurred vision in one of your
eyes is caused by a refractive error, you can correct this with contact
lenses or glasses.
Our EYESONLINE store stocks high-quality contact lenses at the cheapest prices available (guaranteed). We have a range of products, including: